late last year i started a project on a flat conversion which to put it simply threw me into the deep end, I was in a privileged position as a 29-year-old to put some money down on a flat and to start my solo journey. I had ideas in mind of what i wanted it for and searched around for the perfect buy to let.
I’m located in Leamington Spa which is a bubble for housing, we rarely feel the effects of a financial or housing crisis so i knew i wanted to start here, my goals were simple, find somewhere habitable that would generate a monthly income down the line, with the likes of Jaguar-Landrover on my doorstep i knew i’d be able to get the tenants in and honestly, i’m not after a lot of profit, just to let it out and have a nest egg for the future was my intention and still is today.
I’m heading up a site called the Digital Nomad Lad which is an online resource and blog dedicated to my graphic design journey throughout the world and so it seems fitting to call this space the Nomad’s Nest, top floor grade 2 listed Victorian property 2 minutes from the town centre but quaint enough for peace and quiet.
The first time i checked the place out i didn’t like it, i had it on my list but i left feeling like there must be more, a month later i had a few possibles on a shortlist and i used logic to choose, i couldn’t let emotions into play as this was never a forever home, just my place for the time being. Off-road parking, close to town, decent space, blank canvas, cheap council and maintenance, it came up top on everyone so i put my deposit down.
A few months later i started work on the flat, it was bare-bones when i bought it but perfect for what i had intended. I kept some cashback to do the place up the way I wanted which slowly disappeared but i had something to show for it. I’ll do another post about each room but for now, I’d like to show you a few before and afters of the best room in the flat, everyone knows the heart of the house/flat is a kitchen but a great bathroom really seals the deal.